
e2s Connect - Engaging Alumni in a Mobile World

Engage your alumni for superior institutional participation! Build lifelong relationships with your Alumni, encourage their effective involvement with your college, with a campus-branded app for them to connect with you and with peers. In this webinar you'll learn how to:  • Foster life-long relationships with your alumni • Increase participation through events • Mentoring current students • Connecting with peer groups • Being influencers among students and alumni • Donate for causes, and commit pledges of time and funds. Higher education institutions worldwide are welcome to participate in this eye-opening seminar! Nurture your Alumni – your most valuable constituents!

Top trends in higher education that you should be aware!

It’s almost end of the year, which means it’s time to chart your enrollment goals and marketing plans for the upcoming year. Being aware of higher education trends today will help you make informed decisions. In the past few years, colleges and universities have been facing a decrease in enrollment s, increasing demand from the international student population, declining state support, growing popularity of digital classrooms and the ubiquitous social media. The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed, said William Gibson. Here are top higher education trends that you should know in case if you haven’t already noticed. Shift the focus to ‘student experience.’ For a long time, educational institutions have been focusing on building infrastructure, comprehensive courses, curriculum, and placements. While these factors continue to play a significant role, there is another factor that has emerged as crucial – ‘great student experience.’ As student population is b...

10 reasons why your college should have a mobile app

Student Engagement App There are over 26,000 colleges and universities all over the world and around 4,000 in the US, according to National Centre for Educational Statistics. For students who aspire to pursue higher education, there seems to be plenty of colleges and universities to choose from.  Because of the competitive nature of the higher education sector, ‘student engagement factor’ has more recently become a significant aspect for students to choose a college or a university, along with facilities, curriculum and job opportunities. In order to improve the student engagement factor, colleges and universities need to make sure that information influencing student decision is readily available at the right place and at the right time, starting with the admission process. In order to accomplish this, the institution needs to switch to the medium that appeal to millennial students. Having a mobile app can help you engage your students in ways you haven’t even thought bef...

How and why should Colleges and Universities invest in Mobile Apps?

According to Nielson, people spend 89 percent of their media time on mobile apps and only 11 percent of their time is spent on mobile web. This trend is expected to continue, as 98 percent of millennials now own smart phones and use apps to do virtually everything. These statistics illustrate the importance of digital devices and there is no indication this cultural phenomenon will slow down anytime soon. If anything, it is accelerating at a breakneck speed! WHY? Go Where the Students Are If you want to connect with and engage your students effectively, you cannot do it from behind a desk or via a desktop application. Campuses must virtually go where students are spending most of their time.  It is no secret that the lives of millennial students is permeated by smart phones. Many of the students do not even own a desktop computer but come to school with a smart phone or a tablet. Students are increasingly choosing colleges and universities that offer a wide range of mo...

Bridging the student success gap with retention strategies and technology

Student Success CRM | Student Retention in Higher Education Higher Ed Institutions are often judged by their retention rates and the problem of increasing student attrition rates seems to be getting worse every year. The onus is on the decision makers at colleges and universities, to prove their worth by helping their students succeed. Our student population is very diverse in age, demographics, race, and gender. Some students need help in scholarships; others need help with study, work balance, and family. Therefore, we need several strategies that could address all of those needs. Fortunately, there are a number of novel approaches to student retention that are helping keep students enrolled and on a path toward a degree, including better analytics, improved use of mobile devices, video conferencing, and student information portals. We have identified few successful strategies that might work well with the students of all strata. Below listed are few practices that focus...

Know Your Students’ First-Year Experience

First-year students often have to face challenges while navigating complex college systems to get things done.  While they acquire many new and exciting experiences, it can also be quite difficult for them to adjust to the idea of leaving home, new environment and bigger dreams. The more you know about your students, the better you can understand their needs and handhold them through the new journey they just embarked on.  Sign up to know more about Engage2Serve. Student Retention in Higher Education CRM


In a recent interview, H. Rao Unnava, Dean of UC Davis Graduate School of Management shared some concepts with a group of Higher Ed officials focused on improving student recruitment and alumni and donor engagement.  He has more than 30 years of research experience in building and maintaining Institution’s brand loyalty. The following is the summary of the tips taken from the interview. Build brand loyalty for Higher Ed Institutions Brand loyalty is very crucial to getting desired results in Higher Education .  A person who feels an emotional attachment to the Institution is much more likely to make a commitment to the Institution in terms of donations, referrals or take some positive action. The journey from student experiences to alumni communications creates access to many different types of touch points and therefore many opportunities to build brand loyalty. The more the institutions take advantage of these opportunities to build meaningful engagement, the mor...