
Showing posts from September, 2017

How and why should Colleges and Universities invest in Mobile Apps?

According to Nielson, people spend 89 percent of their media time on mobile apps and only 11 percent of their time is spent on mobile web. This trend is expected to continue, as 98 percent of millennials now own smart phones and use apps to do virtually everything. These statistics illustrate the importance of digital devices and there is no indication this cultural phenomenon will slow down anytime soon. If anything, it is accelerating at a breakneck speed! WHY? Go Where the Students Are If you want to connect with and engage your students effectively, you cannot do it from behind a desk or via a desktop application. Campuses must virtually go where students are spending most of their time.  It is no secret that the lives of millennial students is permeated by smart phones. Many of the students do not even own a desktop computer but come to school with a smart phone or a tablet. Students are increasingly choosing colleges and universities that offer a wide range of mo...

Bridging the student success gap with retention strategies and technology

Student Success CRM | Student Retention in Higher Education Higher Ed Institutions are often judged by their retention rates and the problem of increasing student attrition rates seems to be getting worse every year. The onus is on the decision makers at colleges and universities, to prove their worth by helping their students succeed. Our student population is very diverse in age, demographics, race, and gender. Some students need help in scholarships; others need help with study, work balance, and family. Therefore, we need several strategies that could address all of those needs. Fortunately, there are a number of novel approaches to student retention that are helping keep students enrolled and on a path toward a degree, including better analytics, improved use of mobile devices, video conferencing, and student information portals. We have identified few successful strategies that might work well with the students of all strata. Below listed are few practices that focus...